November 15, 2010

Optimizing Your Page Speed for Google SEO

When you are preparing your blog to be Search Engine Optimized Google is often the search engine you think about the most. Of course Bing, Yahoo and the others are important but Google generally calls the shots and when they make an announcement it pays to stand up and listen. Google recently came out and said that the speed of your individual WebPages will be a factor that affects ranking within their search engines. In short this means you have to make your WebPages load as fast as possible. Obviously this is not the only factor in ranking but good SEO involves dealing with the little things. What Affects Page Speed? When you open a webpage your browser makes a call to the host server to serve up the page. This action sets off a sequence of loading the content which goes down the code in order and creates the visual display of the web page that you see. The more code and images involved in a page the longer the load time is likely to be. So things like extra plugins, JavaScript code and large images will dramatically slow down your page speed. It's your job to optimize in these areas and get your pages running as smoothly as possible.


Optimizing Images for Page Speed


It's always good to start with your images. I advise you download your blogs images and go through them one by one making sure that firstly if they display at a certain size (for example, 100px) on your blog that the actual image is that size. In your image editor open the image and check the image dimensions to find out if it needs fixing.

You also need to consider image compression. I like to use a tool called "Save for Web" in Adobe Photoshop. This tool allows you to see what different kinds of compression will do to an image visually and also allows you to see the final
file size before saving. This way you can find the smallest file size with the
best quality. If you do not own Photoshop then I suggest that you JPEG files
with a Medium compression. You can play with the compression levels to get
acceptable quality for your website.


Optimizing Wordpress Code and Plugins

Plugins and extra code can be a huge drain on your server. In your Wordpress admin you should go to your plugins and deactivate any plugin that you do not need. I would even consider removing plugins that add any functions that are not absolutely necessary. Next up you should look at your Wordpress widgets and remove any extra code blocks (I frames, JavaScript) from your sidebars that are not needed. Your Wordpress header.php and footer.php may also include tracking code to various services such as analytics, Izea, BlogCatalog, etc. Remove any code

That you do not use. Finally I suggest you take a look at your style.css file and if you have the knowledge go through and remove any code that is not needed. Often if you have made tweaks to your site you will find extra code here.


November 11, 2010

Optimizing Your WordPress Blog With Free Plugins

Everyone loves a freebie, right? Luckily for you, WordPress software is
free, and so are most of the plugins. I'd like to offer a list of free WordPress
plugins, for your blogging enjoyment. Set your software up, install these
babies and you've got an SEO optimized, traffic pulling machine.

There's really no need to hire a consultant or pay a professional to boost your
SEO results if you can install WordPress and these plugins, you're good to go.
Instead, you can spend your time focusing on creating or outsourcing high
quality content to draw your readers in and keep them engaged.

List of Free Plugins to Optimize WordPress—-

All in One SEO Pack:

This unique little plugin adds custom fields for you to optimize your posts and
pages for SEO. The software is user friendly and works immediately upon
installation, but can also be tweaked slightly to meet your needs.

SEO Smart Links:

SEO Smart Links automatically links phrases and keywords in your posts to
other, related posts on your blog.

SEO Slugs:

This plugin removes articles like a, an, and the from the title slugs of your
posts. This helps keep your titles keyword focused and removes distracting
words that add little value.

Google XML Sitemaps:

This plugin makes it quick and easy to generate a sitemap of your WordPress
site and submit it to Google. It also notifies all major search engines when you
make a change to your website.


This plugin makes it incredibly easy to optimize your meta tags, set up
nofollow and do follow links, and more.

Platinum SEO Plugin:

This plugin offers the same features as the All in One Plugin, plus a few more.
These Techniques Caused a 564% Jump In SEO Traffic! (Watch The Video)
It's also compatible with some plugins and software that All in One isn't. Do
your research to see which plugin works best for you.

SEO Blogroll:

This plugin allows you to make the links in your Blogroll or Links list nofollow
or dofollow on a link by link basis. This means you only have to share link juice
when you want to, a great option for SEO.

SEO Friendly Images:

This plugin adds appropriate META tags to each photo you upload to your site,
making it easier than ever to optimize your blog.

SEO Title Tag:

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily optimize every title, post title, and
tag on your blog. This truly is an easy solution to most of your SEO problems,
and automates quite a few actions that you'll be completing on a regular basis.


Sociable plugin automatically adds social bookmarking services icons to the
bottom of each post. This gives visitors an easy way to bookmark your blog to
return to later. This also gives you extra links, which will improve your search
engine rankings.

November 7, 2010

Wordpress Guru- Optimizing Your Blog Theme For SEO

When choosing a blog theme, it's not just about appearance. In fact,
some of the fanciest, most attractive blog themes are the absolute worst in
terms of SEO. When you're ready to pick a theme for your blog, there are a
few things you should keep in mind.

Choose a simple, clean theme

Complicated themes and graphics can actually detract from the point of your
website. If your visitors have to think to hard about how to find the content
that they need, they'll simply navigate elsewhere. Instead of focusing on a
graphically intensive theme, choose a simple theme with clean code. This
makes it easier for the search engines to find your SEO optimized content.

Disable widgets

Widgets can be fun to set up and customize, but they're also very distracting
to both human and robot visitors. Wherever possible, disable the widgets on
your blog. After all, your visitors don't really need to know who was there
before them, how many followers you have, or what the weather's like in your
home town this week. Instead, focus on generating high quality, effective
content that they'll keep coming back to read.

Generate a Sitemap

Whether you use a plugin to help or do so manually by adding the proper code,
it makes good sense to generate a sitemap. This map allows search engines to
find what they're looking for on your site quickly and easily, which helps boost
your ranking.

Keep Keyword Density in Mind

No matter what type of content you're adding to your site, it makes good
sense to keep keyword density in mind. This is especially important when
you're adding META tags, descriptions, captions, or titles. Choose a few of your
main keywords, and be sure to include them in these types of content strings
for best results.

For the best possible SEO results, be sure to choose a clean, simple theme. I
personally like the themes that Tyson Faulkner designs, but there are other
simple themes available, as well. No matter which theme you decide to go
with, it's important to do your best to make your website look like as much
like a static site (and as little like a blog) as possible.

November 5, 2010

Wordpress Tutorial Part 2---Optimizing Your Core Blog for SEO

The first step in optimizing your WordPress blog for SEO purposes is to
make changes to your basic blog. These core changes are made immediately
after installing WordPress, before you pick out or install a theme. Some
changes are made to the settings, while others will be changes in the way you
add content, write your posts, and set up your blogs structure. I'll teach you,
step by step, how to set your blogs up the right way, so that search engines
will love your sites.


One powerful feature that you should take advantage of when setting up your
Wordpress blog is – the ability to change the default URL of each page and post
from the current "ugly" form to something that is much nicer for both search
engines and end users.
By Default WordPress uses an ugly string of numbers and this is no good for

In your WordPress admin under the Settings tab on the left hand side you will
see a list item called Permalinks. Click on this and options to change the way
your URL's (permalinks) display. The good thing about this is that you can
display your keywords (post title) actually in the URL giving the search engines
even more information to help them place you correctly.

You have many default options which allow you to set the URL's to show the
date, month, category, name and a combination but I prefer for SEO purposes
to just use a custom structure of just the name. To do this simply enter
"/%postname%/" (without quotes) in the Custom Structure box on the
Permalinks page.?

Optimizing Your Titles

Since the WordPress software is now set up to name each link with the title of
your post, it's more important than ever to have a well-optimized title. For
each post, choose one keyword to focus on as you write your title. Lead with
the keyword, and make your title clever and catchy. Your goal is to entice
human readers to click on your title to read more, while telling the search
engines exactly where and how to rank your content.

Optimizing Your Descriptions

Don't rely on auto generated descriptions for your post. There's no way to
control the content your reader sees if you're relying on software to make
content choices for you.

Instead, write a carefully crafted, SEO optimized description for each post,
using the keywords you're attempting to rank for at least once in the text. Tell
your reader in simple terms what the post is about, and what they can expect
to read. Make your description as interesting as possible – this, after all, is
what draws the reader in.

Pages Instead of Posts

As you add content to your blog, keep in mind the general structure that
you're shooting for. Whenever possible, write your content on its own page,
instead of as a post. Doing so allows the search engines to rank each page
individually, and helps your reader to see your site as legitimate.

Using the pages instead of posts structure helps you to build an expansive,

multi page website, with an interlinked network of related pages, instead of a blog with one long string of posts on one page.

When you write your content as a page, instead of a post, you can also remove
the commenting option. This is important, as you're striving for a specific
keyword density in your content. Comments won't be keyword optimized, and
can quickly destroy your hard work.

Link to Related Sites You Own

For true niche domination, don't rely on the built in list of links that comes
with WordPress. In fact, deleting these should be one of your first steps after
you install the software. For the best possible SEO results, use this area to link
to other sites that you own in the same niche. If you don't currently own any
other sites, consider using this area for cloaked affiliate links, advertising, or
link exchanges with other marketers.

Privacy Setting

The Privacy Settings control your blog's visibility to search engines, such as
Google and Technorati. You can decide if you would like your blog to be visible
to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and
archivers, or not. If you don't want your blog available to the search engines
you can block search engines, but allow normal visitors to see your site.
I suggest that your blog is visible to everyone, the main purpose of a blog is to
get search engine traffic.

To make sure your privacy setting is set properly, click on the "Setting" tab,
then click on "Privacy"

Add Your Ping List

Your ping list is a list of services that will be sent a ping, each time you update
your blog. You can update this list by clicking on "Setting" then "Writing".
The list is at the bottom of that page, called "Update Services".

Obviously the more services you add the better. But, a word of caution, the
longer your list, the more server resources your blog will use. If you are using
shared hosting, your hosting company may remove your blog. So just a small
list of the main services is recommended.

Here's one you can use:

November 2, 2010

Become wordpress Guru after 10 day --- introduction to wordpress

Have you ever wished it was easy to set up a perfectly optimized blog?

That with just a few clicks, you could have your blog ranked in the search engines, without spending days working on improving your search results?

If you don't have the money to hire an SEO consultant, and don't really want to spend days, weeks, or even months working to get your site ranked highly in the search engines, than this is the report for you. I've gathered some of the most exclusive Wordpress tweaks, tips, and plugins in this easy to read report.

When you've finished reading, you'll know how to optimize your blog for SEO, how to choose the perfect Wordpress theme (it's not just about appearance), how to use the right plugins to get your site ranked highly in the search engines, and how to tweak your Wordpress based sites so that they run like a dream, pull in traffic like mad, and rank highly for the search terms you've chosen.

Wordpress really is one of the most effective pieces of software available for web design. Many people use as their choice of blogging platform.

This is done mainly because it is free and can be done in a few seconds. This is

OK to a certain extent but the problem is that you are putting all your hard work into someone else's hands. Blogger can shut your blog down in an instant, without even giving a reason.

This means all your hard work is gone for good and we don't want that now do we! So the choice for a more permanent solution, which puts everything in your OWN hands, is to use Again this is free and can be setup in just a few minutes. The only thing you require is a hosting account. These can be purchased for less than $10 per month and you can have unlimited domains/blogs on them. So they are well worth the money. I highly recommend


They are cheap and very reliable.


By using, you are also given instant access to plugins and tools that aren't available in These tools can make your blog more favorable to the search engines, as well as more unique to your visitors. We'll go through these plugins later in this guide.

But one thing to bear in mind is always keeping everything under your own control and is the number 1 way to do this.

If you want to build sites quickly, there's no better way to do so. However, you have to know how to play the game – how to make the software work for you.

Installing Wordpress, putting up a few PLR articles, and sitting back aren't going to make you any money. Instead, you need to learn how to turn your Wordpress blog into a profit pulling SEO optimized machine.

Luckily, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn the Wordpress tips and tricks that the gurus don't want you to know.

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