November 11, 2010

Optimizing Your WordPress Blog With Free Plugins

Everyone loves a freebie, right? Luckily for you, WordPress software is
free, and so are most of the plugins. I'd like to offer a list of free WordPress
plugins, for your blogging enjoyment. Set your software up, install these
babies and you've got an SEO optimized, traffic pulling machine.

There's really no need to hire a consultant or pay a professional to boost your
SEO results if you can install WordPress and these plugins, you're good to go.
Instead, you can spend your time focusing on creating or outsourcing high
quality content to draw your readers in and keep them engaged.

List of Free Plugins to Optimize WordPress—-

All in One SEO Pack:

This unique little plugin adds custom fields for you to optimize your posts and
pages for SEO. The software is user friendly and works immediately upon
installation, but can also be tweaked slightly to meet your needs.

SEO Smart Links:

SEO Smart Links automatically links phrases and keywords in your posts to
other, related posts on your blog.

SEO Slugs:

This plugin removes articles like a, an, and the from the title slugs of your
posts. This helps keep your titles keyword focused and removes distracting
words that add little value.

Google XML Sitemaps:

This plugin makes it quick and easy to generate a sitemap of your WordPress
site and submit it to Google. It also notifies all major search engines when you
make a change to your website.


This plugin makes it incredibly easy to optimize your meta tags, set up
nofollow and do follow links, and more.

Platinum SEO Plugin:

This plugin offers the same features as the All in One Plugin, plus a few more.
These Techniques Caused a 564% Jump In SEO Traffic! (Watch The Video)
It's also compatible with some plugins and software that All in One isn't. Do
your research to see which plugin works best for you.

SEO Blogroll:

This plugin allows you to make the links in your Blogroll or Links list nofollow
or dofollow on a link by link basis. This means you only have to share link juice
when you want to, a great option for SEO.

SEO Friendly Images:

This plugin adds appropriate META tags to each photo you upload to your site,
making it easier than ever to optimize your blog.

SEO Title Tag:

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily optimize every title, post title, and
tag on your blog. This truly is an easy solution to most of your SEO problems,
and automates quite a few actions that you'll be completing on a regular basis.


Sociable plugin automatically adds social bookmarking services icons to the
bottom of each post. This gives visitors an easy way to bookmark your blog to
return to later. This also gives you extra links, which will improve your search
engine rankings.


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