Everyone knows YouTube is third most popular site in world and second most popular search engine in world so imagine how much traffic YouTube is having. In YouTube 24 hours video get uploaded by users. Let me tell you something interesting about YouTube instead of searching and playing in YouTube here is some YouTube Url tricks that will help you to download the YouTube videos and lots more. So lets start with YouTube tricks— List of YouTube tricks— YouTube trick 1— For viewing high quality videos in YouTube— YouTube give you great option to switch to high quality videos for if it available for most of videos. Anyway you can check this by doing simple YouTube trick just append this code in YouTube Url— YouTube tricks 2— For embedding high quality videos in YouTube — Above trick is for playback if you want to embed same quality video for you blog and website then you need to append this in embed code for getting higher quality video— YouTube trick 3— Cut the boring part in video and start form interesting part— It means if you want to send or play any video in middle suppose if your videos is 9 minute long you want to start playing from 5 minute or 5 minute 34 second then you have append this code and video is going to start from that which you mention— 1-- #t=05m34s (#t=XXmYYs for XX mins and YY seconds) to the end of the Url. YouTube tricks 4— For hiding search box in YouTube— For hiding search box from your embed video just embed this in embed Url or suppose you sending your video to your client or you don't want he or she search for related videos then just append this code in Url— 1-- '&showsearch=0′ YouTube tricks 5— For embedding only part of video – Just append '&start=70′ to skip first 70s of the video. In general you can modify the value after start= to the number of seconds you want to skip the video for. 1--'&start=00s′ YouTube trick 6— Insert auto play feature in embed video— Normally when you goes to any page and you hit the play button then video start to play for automat your video just append this code in your embed Url— 1-- '&autoplay=1′ YouTube tricks 7— Loop your embed video— If you insert this code in embed code then video goes in loop and play again and again— 1-- '&loop=1′ YouTube trick 8— Disable related videos in your embed video— Suppose you publish your video in your blog or website and don't want to show other peoples related video then just append this code in your embed code— 1-- '&rel=0′ YouTube trick 9— Bypass YouTube regional filtering— Some of videos are only available in some parts of world. Your ip address is used for determine your location and allow or deny access to video. Think if you can play those video also then your are in luck just append this code in Url and you able to do this. 1-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<somecode> YouTube tricks 10— For downloading the YouTube videos— You can easily download your favorite YouTube video by appending little code in Url – 1--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<somecode> YouTube trick 11— Another trick for downloading YouTube video— You can easily download your favorite YouTube video by appending little code in Url – 1--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<somecode> YouTube tricks 12— Flipping the video— You can confuse people by flipping the YouTube video for this you have to append a small piece of code— 1-- &flip=1 enjoy and try all this code .
just change the form of Url to--
just change the form of Url to--
just change the form of Url to--
October 15, 2010
12 great YouTube Url trick you should know about
Posted by Romy Singh on 9:48 PM
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