If you are a very good web designer, you probably realize the importance of keeping your self very busy not only work for new customer also work for old customers. Unfortunately here many website designers get failed. That's why their business in not able to reach its full potential. Selling website and blog template is good idea to make some decent amount of passive income. What is website template—? Website templates are common layouts that are meant to work with different kind of website. All hard coding of website template is done by professional or good designer with keep in mind that consumer is able to customize it in its own way. So that consumer is able add its own graphics and content in your templates. The main key is kept in mind at the time of creating website templates to give absurdity to your customer. How you can sell templates online— After creating website templates here comes selling part with the help of selling templates you can generate a good amount of passive income. Create a website in which you sell templates. In your website create 2 sections in which you give some free templates or in other one you give pro templates. Show case of your website design— You are selling website templates so you need to incorporate showcase in your website. You can do this by Display image of each template, so visitor or buyer is able to see how they look. Give some description and features of your website templates. Or you can also give preview option for your templates. Make sure your design is unique— Create some interesting and simple looking templates because you already know in this immerging field you find more and more competitors. It like you standing in crowd or trying to notice by other person which is impossible until you do something unique. Create different kind s of templates because you know different people have different choices. So keep in mind all this and create all kinds of templates simple look, abstract, anime, grunge etc. Offer some additional services— Offering different kinds of services or offers are going to help you generate more sales that mean you are able to earn more passive income. You can offer this types of offers like search engine friendly design or cool looking graphics design. Promote your website to get more sells- Promote you website to get more visitors and try to convert visitors into your customers. Because you already know traffic is equal to money if you get lots of traffic that means you are making lots of passive income. Do Seo of your website to getting more traffic. For more information please visit this site— http://smartpassiveincomes.blogspot.com/
October 13, 2010
Make good amount of passive income by selling website or blog template
Posted by Romy Singh on 11:07 PM
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